Welcome to 67N - the latitude where our family publishing house is located.
The Hurtigruten voyage guide (420 pages, colour) is available in all the Hurtigruten ships' gift shops. We recommend browsing the book already before leaving Bergen, as it will give you interesting facts about what you can see from the open upper decks already while in port.
The books are also avaliable in many Norwegian bookstores, but not all of them carry the international editions.
Should you decide to prepare for the journey before leaving home, the books are available by mail order through the British
Amazon webstore, as well as through the German
Nordland-Shop and the German
Hurtigruten Shop.
Please note that the most current editions are:
ISBN 978 82 997 206 63 (Norwegian, 4th edition, 2012)
ISBN 978 82 997 204 32 (Deutsch, 2nd edition, 2010)
ISBN 978 82 997 206 70 (English, 2nd edition, 2012)
Books are also available for international customers directly from the publishers. Please contact us at
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